A recent Associated Press story ('Evangelicals intensify calls for parents to pull kids from public schools') which appeared in USA Today and several other newspapers reports that "a growing, loosely organized movement is now moving from harsh words to action -- with parents taking their own children out of public schools and exhorting other families to do the same. Led mainly by evangelical Christians, the movement depicts public education as hostile to religious faith and claims to be behind a surge in the number of students being schooled at home. ... Though the movement's rhetoric strikes public school supporters as extreme, some of its leaders are influential. They include R. Albert Mohler, Jr., president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, who last year said the denomination needed an 'exit strategy' from public schools, and the Rev. D. James Kennedy, pastor of 10,000-member Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church [PCA] in Fort Lauderdale and host of a nationally broadcast religious program."