Guide Us to Thy Perfect Light
My great-grandfather, William N. Sholl, an Alabamian and a graduate of Union Theological Seminary, was for many years a Presbyterian pastor in Texas and Oklahoma. In a brief meditation entitled "Joy Over the Christmas Star," he reflected on Matthew's words, "When they saw the star they rejoiced with exceeding great joy."
Is there anything strange about this beautiful statement? A dream long dreamed had at last come true. "When they saw the star they rejoiced with exceeding great joy" for glowing anticipation had become shining realization. At last they had found something to satisfy the mighty yearnings of their deeper selves, solid ground where the ark of their hearts might rest, a true and rightful king to rule of the kingdom of their souls. Let us not forget that their joy was made possible by their faith. They were not skeptical because the star shone over a baby's cradle and the great uncaring world moved on as if nothing had happened. In their inmost hearts they believed that this helpless baby whom they had come to adore was to be the mighty Redeemer of mankind.
What a lesson these wise men teach. How it shamed those who saw Christ in his mature manhood opening the eyes of the blind, unstopping the ears of the deaf, raising dead souls to life and yet refused to believe. How sadly it reflects upon millions in our own day and time who possessing the accumulated record of centuries of Christ's transforming grace and many living evidences of his power yet look upon him with cold and doubtful hearts. May it never be so with any who read these lines. Like these great souls that came from afar let us rejoice with exceeding great joy, remembering and understanding better than they that Christ has come to incarnate, to interpret and to make real to us in all his manifold ministry every noble thing we have dreamed and desired.