Imagine There's No Heaven
Little-known fact: I was once a telephone prayer counselor during a 700 Club telethon. I actually enjoyed it, and had the privilege of leading two people to Christ. But I must confess, I would have freaked out if someone like John Lennon had called.
Come to find out, during his "born-again phase" Lennon did in fact do some rather unexpected things, such as call Pat Robertson's 700 Club prayer line and write letters to Oral Roberts (telling the Tulsa evangelist, "I want out of hell"). Read this fascinating excerpt from the new book The Gospel According to the Beatles.
Come to find out, during his "born-again phase" Lennon did in fact do some rather unexpected things, such as call Pat Robertson's 700 Club prayer line and write letters to Oral Roberts (telling the Tulsa evangelist, "I want out of hell"). Read this fascinating excerpt from the new book The Gospel According to the Beatles.