Celebrate Monotheistic Intolerance
Tony Woodlief is my wife's favorite blogger. And once my envy subsides I will cheerfully admit that I'm a big fan as well. The boy can flat-out blog. Here's a great post in which, playing off famous lefty bumper stickers, Tony suggests that we right-thinking folks come up with some bumper stickers of our own.
For example, instead of "Visualize World Peace," he suggests a bumper sticker which says "Visualize World Domination." Rather than "Celebrate Diversity," let's try "Celebrate Monotheistic Intolerance." And my personal favorite: "It Will Be A Great Day When Our Schools Get All The Money They Need and The Air Force Has to Hold a Bake Sale To Buy A Bomber" gives way to "It Will Be A Great Day When The Air Force Bombs Our Schools."
For example, instead of "Visualize World Peace," he suggests a bumper sticker which says "Visualize World Domination." Rather than "Celebrate Diversity," let's try "Celebrate Monotheistic Intolerance." And my personal favorite: "It Will Be A Great Day When Our Schools Get All The Money They Need and The Air Force Has to Hold a Bake Sale To Buy A Bomber" gives way to "It Will Be A Great Day When The Air Force Bombs Our Schools."