Homeschool Freedom Preserved in 2007
The Home School Legal Defense Association posted a bulletin yesterday declaring the 2007 Oklahoma legislative session a success, saying "homeschoolers have reason to rejoice" over the defeat of Senate Bill 375, a bill by state Senator Jim Wilson (D-Tahlequah) which would have regulated homeschoolers.
I have to think Bruce Shortt's devastating critique of the legislation helped play a part in its demise. Here's a teaser: "Oklahoma’s crack team of government educators, the folks who spend billions of dollars a year to achieve heretofore unknown levels of semiliteracy and illiteracy among otherwise normal children, periodically take time out from their educational misfeasance to offer ominous warnings that we’ve got trouble –- terrible, terrible trouble –- lurking in homeschooling homes all across the state." It makes no sense, Bruce points out, for the unsuccessful to regulate the successful. Do yourself a favor and read the whole thing.
I have to think Bruce Shortt's devastating critique of the legislation helped play a part in its demise. Here's a teaser: "Oklahoma’s crack team of government educators, the folks who spend billions of dollars a year to achieve heretofore unknown levels of semiliteracy and illiteracy among otherwise normal children, periodically take time out from their educational misfeasance to offer ominous warnings that we’ve got trouble –- terrible, terrible trouble –- lurking in homeschooling homes all across the state." It makes no sense, Bruce points out, for the unsuccessful to regulate the successful. Do yourself a favor and read the whole thing.