'Leave Us Alone' Coalition Leader Visits MidTown Think Tank
"Grover G. Norquist, a leading conservative activist and analyst, visited the offices of the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs (OCPA), where he met with several dozen compatriots in what he considers America's philosophical majority," Patrick B. McGuigan reports in the current issue of the City Sentinel, a weekly newspaper serving the heart of Oklahoma City. "The ardent advocate of tax reduction and federal spending cuts handicapped this year's policy debates, and touched briefly on politics, defending presumptive Republican nominee John McCain while slinging some arrows at Barack Obama, the likely nominee of Democrats."
Norquist is best known for leadership of Americans for Tax Reform, a group pressing politicians in both parties to sign pledges not to raise any taxes at any level of government. He moderates regular meetings of a national "Center-Right" coalition in Washington, D.C. ...
Norquist describes American politics as presently divided into "two fundamental coalitions" or "teams." One, in his analysis, is the "Takings Coalition" that includes advocates of increased government spending and taxation, and groups "fundamentally dependent on the government for funding and purpose." The other is the "Leave Us Alone Coalition" he characterizes as "Center-Right" and representative of the views of most Americans.
Norquist recently published Leave Us Alone: Getting the Government’s Hands Off Our Money, Our Guns, Our Lives. Former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Norquist's book is "a brilliant introduction to the coming revolution in American government by the most consistently effective anti-tax activist in America."