The Other Sexual Abuse Scandal
The Oklahoman reports today that a former schoolteacher at Guthrie High School has been charged with 11 sex-related counts involving students.
Anyone who reads newspapers knows how commonplace these stories are. If you think about it, one sees far more stories about sexually abusive teachers than, say, sexually abusive Catholic priests. Indeed, a recent analysis by the Associated Press found that "sexual misconduct plagues U.S. schools" and suggests that misconduct among male schoolteachers is at least as common as among male priests. Moreover, a 2004 U.S. Department of Education study found that one in 10 public school students is sexually harassed or abused by a teacher or other school employee at some point between kindergarten and 12th grade.
Anyone who reads newspapers knows how commonplace these stories are. If you think about it, one sees far more stories about sexually abusive teachers than, say, sexually abusive Catholic priests. Indeed, a recent analysis by the Associated Press found that "sexual misconduct plagues U.S. schools" and suggests that misconduct among male schoolteachers is at least as common as among male priests. Moreover, a 2004 U.S. Department of Education study found that one in 10 public school students is sexually harassed or abused by a teacher or other school employee at some point between kindergarten and 12th grade.