Election Day
I shook off my cynicism ("Don't vote: It only encourages them") long enough to go to the polls this morning. And since Starbucks is giving away free coffee to voters, I shook those bolshies down not for one free cup but for two. I may go for a third this evening. Gotta love this sign at my polling place. I'm pretty sure this church eschews the Bible translation in which Jesus food-stamps the 5,000, and instead correctly recognizes the paternal state as the idol that it is.
"Decision is in voters' hands," the nation's largest newspaper declares today with characteristic anthropocentrism. In truth, the decision is in God's hands, which is a much better place for it to be.
"Decision is in voters' hands," the nation's largest newspaper declares today with characteristic anthropocentrism. In truth, the decision is in God's hands, which is a much better place for it to be.