'Stably Unstable'

Not sure if that's a clinical term or merely a colloquial one, but that's the phrase the doctor used this evening to describe Anne Marie. She's unstable -- heck, she's on a ventilator, a CVVH (Continuous Veno Veno Hemodialysis) machine, antibiotics, pain medicine, blood pressure medicine, and more -- but she's stable in that at the moment she's not getting any better or any worse.

Of course, stably unstable doesn't last forever. In the next several days the doctors really want to see some improvement, or else we're going to start having some conversations we really don't want to have. Already today we had to revisit the concept of "Do Not Resuscitate," which is not where we want to be heading. If you are inclined to pray for Anne Marie, please pray that her pulmonary hypertension would improve, that she could be weaned from the ventilator, and that her kidneys would function. Here are some pictures from today.

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