Mondays are usually one of our busiest homeschool days, but this Monday was a little different. Brandon and I left Sunday afternoon to fly to Austin with the OU men's basketball team, so while the kids were here doing their schoolwork I was having a great time in Austin. We were able to go to shoot-arounds with the players and coaches, have dinner with them at our hotel, and then go to the game last night. The Sooners didn't win, but it was still a great trip! We got back to the Lloyd Noble Center this morning at 1:30.
Here's a photo from the Sunday evening shoot-around. In the distance, you can see two great basketball minds (OK, maybe just one) analyzing the situation.
Coach Jeff Capel made three half-court shots in a row. Honest! All the coaches were very nice to us on the trip, and Coach Capel even made the effort last night in the freezing weather to grab our luggage from the baggage hold of the plane and later the bus. |
Here's Cade Davis dunking during one of the shoot-arounds. Brandon says Cade "was doing 360s at will" (whatever that means), which Brandon assures me is as impressive as it is surprising. |
Here's Keith "Tiny" Gallon (who shattered a glass backboard earlier this year) and Andrew Fitzgerald at one of the shoot-arounds. It was funny to have a 6' 9", nearly-300-pound kid introduce himself to me on the bus by saying, "Hi, I'm Tiny." |
Here's Tiny shooting a free throw last night. You can tell we had good seats. |
Here's an ESPN screenshot. On the far left near the top of the screen, Brandon and I are clapping after Cade Davis hit a 3-pointer. |