Great Moments in Poverty-Fighting

I couldn't help but notice this interesting comment which was posted over at one of Oklahoma's liberal blogs:
I worked with TANF [Temporary Assistance for Needy Families] clients for 2 1/2 years as an alcohol/drug treatment counselor. These women used their TANF money to purchase spiral perms, and balloon bouquets for their "illegal" boyfriends, just to mention a few examples. I would try to discuss birth control and was usually met with angry stares. The "illegal" (who had just fathered his 12th child) became very belligerent when I delicately tried to discuss birth control with him. He would not hesitate to benefit from our state's assistance, but we were not to interfere in his business. This experience, plus my 26 years as a Probation/Parole Officer, tainted my view of the "needy" Oklahomans our tax dollars are supporting. 
Which reminds me, Oklahomans (by an overwhelming margin) believe that our welfare policies which discourage marriage should be changed.

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