News You Can Use

  • Oklahoma feminists keepin' it classy.
  • After an Oklahoma daycare kid dies, trial lawyers troll for clients.
  • Laffer tax-cut plan clears an Oklahoma House committee. 
  • The Tulsa World reports that CareerTech bureaucrat Kara Gae Neal "will receive a lump-sum payment of at least $161,585 despite the fact that her resignation was linked to disagreements with the school."
  • In a peer-reviewed scholarly journal, two authors argue that "newborns do not have the same moral status as actual persons" and "killing a newborn should be permissible in all the cases where abortion is."
  • More mischief from David Boren (who in 2008 endorsed Barack Obama for president because Obama "has made a nonpartisan approach to all issues a top priority" and wants "to end the divisions in our country" and "to bring us together").
  • Across-the-board raises for Oklahoma schoolteachers are a bad idea.
  • A leftist professor acknowledges that "stay-at-home parents hold families together."
  • George Soros in a Speedo.
  • In the new issue of WORLD magazine, I point out that Oklahoma City is joining the big leagues.
  • Remember that time a Tea Partier caught himself on fire when trying to torch an historic building? Me neither.

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