Books for Sale!
I've been putting it off all summer, but I couldn't put it off any longer. School is right around the corner and I knew I had to get to work cleaning out our school room. I usually do this at the end of May as soon as we are finished for the year. I'll go to the homeschool convention, buy my curriculum, get everything organized for the upcoming year, and then not have to think about it for the summer. This year the only thing I finished up after the end of May were my grades. And now it's the end of July and I haven't even ordered my curriculum. I console myself with the fact that I've talked to several friends and they say the same thing: "I haven't ordered a thing." But the kids actually do have to do some schoolwork next year, so I couldn't put it off any longer. Brandon was in Salt Lake City this week, and while the kids had an Andy-Griffith-watching marathon, I put Oliver to bed each night and dug in. I sorted and threw out and organized.

After several days I finally finished, and now I have started ordering most everything I need for next year. As I was cleaning out, I realized that I am only halfway finished homeschooling. As I packed some of Jack Henry's books away I realized that I'm grateful I'll be able to use them with Oliver, and yet I'm also a little bit overwhelmed at the fact that, Lord willing, I have nearly 20 years of homeschooling left to do. But I have some good role models, and my friend Ginger has promised me that she'll bring her lawn chair out and sit with me and cheer on Oliver when I'm the only one of my friends left at the homeschool track meet.

If there is anything you would like, just e-mail me at dutchersusie at gmail dot com. If you live out of town I will media mail it to you, and if you live in town we can figure out a time to meet up.
Algebra II complete set (student book, solutions manual, test booklet, answer key) $20. With DIVE CD $45.
My friend Ginger and I ordered Balancing the Sword several years ago and we had high hopes for it. It gets excellent reviews and it is a solid Bible curriculum. But neither one of us ever used it. We incorporated so much of our Bible in with history that we just didn't get around to using this.
Just beginning to clean out
Packing up my ancient history books to make room for the Middle Ages
After several days I finally finished, and now I have started ordering most everything I need for next year. As I was cleaning out, I realized that I am only halfway finished homeschooling. As I packed some of Jack Henry's books away I realized that I'm grateful I'll be able to use them with Oliver, and yet I'm also a little bit overwhelmed at the fact that, Lord willing, I have nearly 20 years of homeschooling left to do. But I have some good role models, and my friend Ginger has promised me that she'll bring her lawn chair out and sit with me and cheer on Oliver when I'm the only one of my friends left at the homeschool track meet.
Slowly but surely making progress
I tried to do some work during the day and Oliver decided he needed to help.
"Hey mom, I'll just sort out your markers for you."
The room was nearly all picked up until Oliver came in to help. And as I was cleaning up this mess Oliver made a beeline for the laundry room to sample some of Charlie's dog food.
In this midst of cleaning out I also decided to get rid of some things I haven't used in a while. There are only so many places in our house to store books and we are almost maxed out. I am going to post them below for anyone who is interested. Many things are free (plus shipping), and a few things I am selling.
If there is anything you would like, just e-mail me at dutchersusie at gmail dot com. If you live out of town I will media mail it to you, and if you live in town we can figure out a time to meet up.
Rod and Staff grammar book 1 for grades 9/10. $10 for both the teacher and student book. They are both in excellent condition. I love Rod and Staff grammar. In my opinion it is the best grammar curriculum there is. The curriculum is so thorough that by the time the kids finish the 8th grade book they have really mastered a lot of grammar. |
Rod and Staff grammar book 2 for grades 9 and 10. $10 for both the teacher and student book. Also included are the editing sheet workbooks. |
I finally decided to get rid of some of my Saxon math books. There was a time when I said, "I will never use anything besides Saxon math." Lincoln used Saxon for kindergarten through calculus, and I still really like it. One of the main reasons we switched to Teaching Textbooks is that there is a solutions CD that explains how to solve every problem in the book. For upper-grade math this is a huge help. I remember times when Lincoln had a question and I couldn't answer it or I'd have to get his book and spend lots of time figuring out how to solve a problem. Complete set $20. I also have the DIVE CD that goes with this. $45 with DIVE CD.
Algebra II complete set (student book, solutions manual, test booklet, answer key) $20. With DIVE CD $45.
Advanced Math complete set (student book, solutions manual, test booklet, answer key) $25. For some reason the student book isn't in this picture but I do have it. With DIVE CD $45
Calculus complete set $25. With DIVE CD $45.
My friend Ginger and I ordered Balancing the Sword several years ago and we had high hopes for it. It gets excellent reviews and it is a solid Bible curriculum. But neither one of us ever used it. We incorporated so much of our Bible in with history that we just didn't get around to using this.
Veritas Press literature guides $3 each (more titles below). These are also very thorough guides and I like them, but when I switched to Tapestry of Grace history I incorporated my literature in with history.
IEW writing -- Teaching Writing: Structure and Style DVD seminar plus workbook. Also included are three extra student workshop samples. Compete set $35.
Veritas Press Gospels teacher book and cards, free
The First Whole Book of Diagrams. This is an excellent book, but our Rod and Staff grammar book thoroughly covers diagraming so we didn't need this. Teacher book and student workbook $5.
Memoria Press Lingua Angelica complete set, free
The Greenleaf Guide to Old Testament History, free
Saxon Math 5/4 Student book and solutions manual, free. I liked Saxon a lot better when their books were hardback. These seem to fall apart much faster. The spiral binding on these is a little messed up, but all the pages are there. You will need to purchase the 5/4 test and worksheet booklet. (Mardel has all Saxon 40% off.)
Lyrical Life Science, the Human Body complete set, free
Any of the following CD's, free
Oliver kept grabbing this CD while I was trying to take a picture of it. It's Veritas Press New Testament, Greece and Rome Memory song, free (cute baby not included).
Truthquest History, free
Rod and Staff student book 5, $5. For some reason I accidentally bought two of these.
Any of these Vision Forum CD's, free