Sweet Deals

I'm passing along a few great deals that I came across lately. You can get a free baby sling, free nursing cover, free carseat canopy, and free nursing pillow. All you have to pay is shipping. Each item is from a different site, so you will have to pay shipping for each item. Shipping runs around $11, but this is still a great deal for these. These are great for moms or would make great gifts for a new mom-to-be. I ordered the baby sling a few weeks ago and love it. It is easy to put on and easy to use. Last week I used it while I grocery shopped and Oliver fell asleep in it. 

At the checkout on each site just enter the promo code "Valentines2013" to receive your discount. Your item will be free and you will only have to pay for shipping.

Another great site that I found before Christmas is My Publisher. If you enter your e-mail on their website they will send you a coupon for a free photo book. I made and ordered one of these for Oliver for Christmas. He loves to look at pictures of his family, so I made a book that had pictures of all of us. He loves it. The books are hardback and are very well made and super easy to make. You can pick your own layout for each page and also add text if you want. Most of my pages just had one picture on them, but you can add more if you want. My Publisher also always has lots of other great deals. I love this site because of the price and the quality.

Another one of my favorite deals is Amazon Mom. You can sign up for a free three-month trial and get several benefits. One of the benefits is free two-day shipping on qualifying orders. I signed up for Amazon Mom about a month before Christmas and didn't have to pay any shipping on the gifts I ordered from Amazon. I saved a bundle. I've also saved a ton on diapers by using the subscribe-and-save diaper program. I get a discount on diapers and I'm able to use diaper coupons on top of that. When I first signed up for Amazon Mom's free three-month trial, I thought I'd just use if for my Christmas shopping and cancel after three months, but I'm going to pay the yearly fee and continue to use it. We order lots of school books from Amazon and also order a lot of gifts from Amazon. It is so much easier to shop online instead of getting out and going from store to store. That plus the diaper savings makes the yearly fee worth it. 

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