Trying to Silence the Conservatives
In the 50,000-plus pages of documents recently released by Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin regarding her Obamacare decisions, one particular nugget caught my attention. In an email to the governor's chief of staff, Denise Northrup, secretary of state Glenn Coffee wrote: "Brandon Dutcher just sent out a tweet saying Rick Perry is going to reject Obama’s 'Race to the Cradle' money. This thing is headed down the same track as the Health Insurance Exchange grant in a hurry. Just my two cents."
Northrup's reply was telling. One might expect a conservative chief of staff for a conservative governor to say something like: "He's right. Those guys have been right all along, warning us not to take borrowed federal dollars to implement the Obama agenda. And now they're right about Race to the Cradle." Alas, that's not what she said. Instead -- get this -- she actually tried to harm the conservative organization where I'm employed by discouraging a potential donor from making a contribution to our organization. I won't name the potential donor, but here was Northrup's reply to Coffee: "I hope you send this to [John Q. Donor] for his consideration before they give."
That's really disappointing. Doesn't she know Susie and I have Pampers to buy?! Plus Mary Margaret needs braces. And we're about to have two kids in college! I'm quite certain this bullying tactic will be unfruitful, but just to be on the safe side I encourage you to visit OCPA's website and donate today. Ollie and I are counting on you!
Northrup's reply was telling. One might expect a conservative chief of staff for a conservative governor to say something like: "He's right. Those guys have been right all along, warning us not to take borrowed federal dollars to implement the Obama agenda. And now they're right about Race to the Cradle." Alas, that's not what she said. Instead -- get this -- she actually tried to harm the conservative organization where I'm employed by discouraging a potential donor from making a contribution to our organization. I won't name the potential donor, but here was Northrup's reply to Coffee: "I hope you send this to [John Q. Donor] for his consideration before they give."
That's really disappointing. Doesn't she know Susie and I have Pampers to buy?! Plus Mary Margaret needs braces. And we're about to have two kids in college! I'm quite certain this bullying tactic will be unfruitful, but just to be on the safe side I encourage you to visit OCPA's website and donate today. Ollie and I are counting on you!