Valentine's Day 2014

When Lincoln was a baby, Susie sent me in to town one day to buy a high chair. While I was in the store, I saw an irresistible stuffed Pooh bear, so I got that too and brought it home. Fast forward a couple of decades, and look what Lincoln’s little clone (Oliver) woke up to this morning:

Yes, Susie likes to make a big deal out of holidays. Everyone got a little something this Valentine's Day morning (though it's still strange to see nothing there for Lincoln and Lillie):

Susie even had a little surprise for me. She assembled this delicate little Bowser train car for me:

When I left for work this morning Ollie was happily playing with that original Pooh -- along with friends Eeyore and Tigger. I'd say he's having a good day.

UPDATE, February 15:

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