Oklahoma Babies Survive Abortions, Are Left to Die

"The grisly logic of abortion is most apparent in the debates and discussions concerning what to do with and for babies who, against all the odds, manage to survive an abortion," state Rep. Rebecca Hamilton (D-Oklahoma City) writes.
In most places, these little ones are discarded. Left alone, untended and untouched, they die the lonely death of a human who has been deemed less than human by other people.

As one nurse here in Oklahoma described it to me, "No one does anything to keep them warm or give them fluids. No one picks them up or holds them." She described one baby girl who survived 13 hours like this. ...

A LifeNews article says that an admitted 491 babies survived abortions and were then left to die in Canada last year. I’m sure the actual number is much higher, for the simple reason that most of these babies don’t make it onto the charts. I’ve heard stories about babies who survived abortions here in Oklahoma from nurses and hospital chaplains. From what I was told, none of these babies were ever officially charted as being alive.

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